Houfek a.s. is one of the leading European manufacturers of machining tools, known for its robust construction and high-quality products in the woodworking and metalworking industries.
Houfek sought a digital tool for modern product presentations to strengthen its position as an innovative company in the engineering industry. The aim was to replace printed materials with a tool that accurately captures the added value of their products through 3D visualizations, animations, and machine sounds, while also providing an effective medium for presentations dedicated to distributors.
We created a digital showroom - a 1:1 replica of their actual hall, resulting in a digital twin. This showroom neatly displays CNC machines, woodworking, and metalworking equipment, including dozens of digitalized products with realistic animations, sounds, and visualized maneuvering zones.
Users can interactively configure individual machines and then place an order directly through the application, providing a user-friendly interface for the company’s distributors. Thanks to long-term collaboration, we are also digitalizing Houfek’s product portfolio for their web platform, utilizing a digital avatar that makes it easier for customers to explore and interact with products.
Digital Twin of the Showroom
A replica of the real environment for an authentic product presentation experience.
Realistic 3D Visualization and Animation
Provides an accurate view of the products, including maneuvering zones and natural sounds.
Distributor Tool
Efficient sales support directly connected to the order system.
Digital Avatar on the Website
An interactive guide for better user engagement and portfolio presentation.
Download the Houfek app
from the Google Play.
Get the Houfek app
from the Apple App Store.
Countries addressed on sales platforms
Digitized machines